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Lying at the heart of Central America, Nicaragua benefits from rich biodiversity and prominent cultural diversity. Each region has a distinct culture that marks its music, literature, and art due to Nicaraguan’s diverse population. From this rich nature and culture derives its people’s love and pride of their country. 


While not lacking in natural and cultural wonders, Nicaragua as a country is still recovering from decades of dictatorial rule, the aftershocks of natural disasters, and civil unrest and revolution. 50% of the Nicaraguan population still lives in poverty, and among rural inhabitants, 85% struggle to live on $1 per day or less. Isolated communities are often limited in their access to basic health services, trade networks and markets, due to poor transportation infrastructure. 


However, Nicaragua has taken admirable steps towards development, implementing a highly succesful and internationally lauded literacy program and having one of the lowest levels of inequality in Central America. Global Medical Brigades UW is committed to improving the health of rural Nicaraguans and doing our part to support Nicaraguan communities' efforts to improve their future. 

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